Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Must Spit It Out

Plenty of people are confused. What is No Sunlite for the Media?
+ There is no simple answer. Are you writing a paper on it? Well turn to Wikipedia, thee purveyor of all that is notable online. Nothing shows up? It runs much deeper than that then. & Nope, NSFTM isn't that children's book.
+ Doesn't Googlism provide answers? Yes, it is true that
"no sunlite for the media! Rather noisy!" but noise is just one aspect of all that is opposed to providing photosynthesis ready rays of lite to the mainstream.
+ So what do thee youth say? A 13 year old once queried, "No Sunlite for the Media? Does that mean you like the Underground?" A beautiful simplification. But what's thee difference between Pitchfork 'n' No Sunlite for the Media then? Worlds. It's thee difference between trendy 'n' I-Don't-Care-What-You-Think, betwixt marketing fashion 'n' not being sold out
.+ Styles can change 'n' are often left behind, but when one is No Sunlite for the Media, this is of absolutely no concern cos s/he is way ahead already. & thus one can be No Sunlite for the Media in any number of incarnations.
+ We mainly choose 'n' do hip hop because it strikes us as still pure, no amount of mainstreaming can kill what made thee form so anti-Media in thee first place. More knowledge can be given in a shorter time, more change can result. But that doesn't mean NSFTM can't be you 'r yr art too. Or that NSFTM can't play a pop song.
So check out this never-to-otherwise-be-released popsicle.

Have More Fun With NSFTM (3 Part Demo Suite)

We promise that more material is coming soon in CD form. But until then, think on it, how can you NSFTM (verb) in yr daily life? & feel free to share that with us by posting yr comments 'n' e/regular mailing us. Live.

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