Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dungeon Records OOP

Why do we break sales rekkerds?

Dungeon Records can no longer be purchased thru our mailorder/paypal unit. 219 of 'em have now dispersed. It's gone, along with thee Vytautas Swordblade cassette. If you have 'em, count yerself lucky. Now commence massive price jacking thru ebay.

There are however, still a few copies of our new CD, Media Tricks available for $6 paypal postpaid (+2$ overseas) to

& if yer too cheap, steal these free mp3s from an NSFTM show bootlegged last weak:

Round/Legs/Scruffy Megamix (Fastword Mix)

Yer never to young to ask: Why do you break yr legs?

Or if on thee other hand, yer rolling in dough, send for an NSFTM shirt. Our brand new design for thee Media Tricks disc is fully operational 'n' selling to kids all over these tectonic plates. It bears an angry No-Sunlite sun face with a flaming mohawk in thee shape of thee word "MEDIATRIX", as seen in this photo. 5$ name yr size/color 'n' we got all our other designs too.

Thanks for those who bought our rekkerds 'n' came to our shows, be prepared as high quality new material will soon be dropping.


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