Thursday, July 28, 2011

Out of the Dungeon XXV: Princess to Download / Hexagons to Plowthrough

 Welcome to Out of the Dungeon, a many part series detailing a decade of NSFTM noise, hip hop, 'n' adventures from top No Sunlite for the Media scholars, historians, fans, 'n' collaborators. Medians share their thoughts on the absolute values of various NSFTM rekkerds, while we provide free audio streaming 'n' hi-quality file purchase of all the albums at our bandcamp page.

Out of the Dungeon XXV: Individual Familial
Princess of the Pines an album of wolves
Ramblings from the band
A wilderness behind the calm face of that suburban fakescape. A Red Fox Forest surrounded by a black 'n' white stretch of roads-houses-jobs. Dark woods, wolves, nightmares are dreams.

The princess born lily-blooming. From the darkness of yr dreams come howling those things that are hard to speak. I am going to make it through today.  The wolves are gnashing their teeth and their drool is wet on yr ankle.  And tomorrow I will do the same.

& wolves march one by one but on the footpath a pack is one. We hope the swirling purple storm sweeps up the fresh prey but makes the hunt all the more difficult. Eating on a full stomach isn't anything.

"Clowns searching for"
Jun. 2k11
Various, DMV

Addendum: Hexagon EP now available, a mini-sequel of sorts to Princess. Send us a shout 'n' we'll get you one. Love, NSFTM.

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